New research has shown Australia to be one of the highest cost markets for Facebook advertisers to participate in.
The crew at AI Target did some crunching of Facebook's publicly accessible big data recently and found Australia was the planet's fourth most expensive Facebook ads market.
Australia sits towards the top of a list of similar OECD countries with relatively low population bases. The obvious takeaway here is that is that the demand for Facebook ad space is highest in the more advanced economies, but the amount of Facebook ads real estate available in a given country is a function of its population base.
So countries with the lowest population bases have the least advertising real estate available, and therefore incline towards higher levels of competition.
There are a few misfires in the report, the authors stating that "interestingly enough, some most competitive yet ineffective (i.e. lowest converting) regions include Svalbard and Jan, Mayen, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn Islands, Christmas Island and Iceland."
I'm not sure that really is very interesting at all. The populations of all those countries could virtually be counted on my fingers and toes. The small sample size is very obviously skewing this data, and it its practical usefulness to anybody without a supply chain to Christmas Island - fully 1,540 kms from the Australian coast - is unclear.
Nor is it clear why an Australian territorial island has been assessed as if it were an actual country.
The report also fails to recognise the significant differences in non-English language markets. You CAN use Facebook to reach consumers in Japan or Hong Kong, but very few advertisers are doing so. And these are the markets that Facebook's penetration is lowest. We seriously doubt regionalised auction factors are the real drivers here.
But the results overall show that there remains good value in generating Australian traffic via Facebook, with Australian users the EIGHTH MOST CONVERTIBLE on the planet.
So Australians are amongst the most receptive peoples in the world to receiving advertising messages via the Facebook platform. At that means that most SMEs should be looking to implement at least some activity in this area.
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